Godly Leadership

Readings for today: 2 Samuel 1-4

What our nation needs now more than ever is godly leadership. Men and women who put country before self. The collective good before personal gain. Men and women who are willing to work together to get things done. Cross the aisle for the sake of the future. Put aside petty political differences and grudges and differences in order to bring us together.

Times of crisis reveal the heart of a leader. David lived on the run for years. He was unjustly accused. Unfairly attacked. His life threatened on any number of occasions. He was exiled. Forced to struggle to survive. He fought a running battle with King Saul and yet refused to lift his hand against the Lord’s anointed. David took the high road again and again. Calling out to Saul. Seeking reconciliation with Saul. All to no avail. One would think David would become bitter and angry. One would think David would have every right to fight back and seek vengeance. One would think that upon hearing of Saul’s death, David would celebrate. Instead, David wept.

David grieved not just for himself but for all of Israel. David was heartbroken for his nation. For his people. He understood he was part of something bigger than himself. There were more important things at stake than his own political gain. David refused to take advantage of the moment to score political points. Instead, he continued to serve the Lord and his people with humility and respect and honor. This is ultimately what wins him his throne. Over time, David’s godly leadership becomes more and more evident. His influence grows. His power increases. Eventually, he wins even the enemy commander over to his side.

I search in vain for a “David” among our national political leaders these days. Instead of humility, our leaders continue to display their arrogance. Instead of respect, they continue to hold grudges and attack one another. Instead of putting the country first, they continue to try to leverage this crisis for their own personal gain. And the media is no different. They are just as partisan as the rest. Peddling lies and fake news from across the spectrum. They don’t even try to report the news with any kind of objectivity. Everything is subjected to their political and social agenda. This is true for both the Left and Right. And their monumental failures only serve to increase our national suffering and pain.

Today’s reading brings me to my knees in prayer. The leadership vacuum in our country means more people dying. More people suffering. More businesses closing. The lack of unity in our nation means more people getting sick. A growing mental health crisis that will soon rival if not surpass COVID-19. And more people thrust into unnecessary poverty. Is the way forward self-evident? No, it is not. Will the days ahead be easy? Not at all. Will more suffering and sacrifice be required? I think so. What would make it more bearable is if we had leaders like David who could remind us we are all part of the solution. Leaders who remain calm in crisis and who could assure us there are better days ahead. Leaders who appeal to our better angels by modeling what it looks like to work together for the common good. Leaders who seek to unify rather than divide. I am praying for God to raise up such leaders to replace the ones we have or by bringing those in power to repentance. I truly believe our future as a nation depends on it.

Readings for tomorrow: Psalms 6, 9, 10, 14, 16, 21