Remembering and Rejoicing

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 16-17, Luke 9:7-27, Psalms 72, Proverbs 12:8-9

“You shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt; and you shall be careful to observe these statutes.” (Exodus 16:12) 

How do you feel when you reflect on the Law of God? Do you feel frustrated? Resentful? Upset? Do you feel like your freedom is being impinged? God is being arbitrary? Do you feel the Law is bigoted? Outdated? Immoral even? 

I think about all the rules and regulations Israel was commanded to follow. Rules regarding their clothes. What they could eat or drink. How they should spend their time. When they could do business and when they had to close up shop. I imagine it was tempting for them to think of these laws as limiting. Restrictive. Capricious. As if God was setting out to take all the fun out of their lives. But then Moses reminds them of whence they came. They were slaves in Egypt. They came from nothing. They had nothing. They were nothing. Until God found them. Until God saved them. Until God delivered them and made them His own. Gave them His name. Chose them out of all the people on the face of the earth to reflect His glory. To be a holy nation. A royal priesthood. 

God’s Law is not arbitrary or random or designed to take the fun out of life. It serves to remind us who we are and, more importantly, whose we are. We belong to God. He delivered us from slavery to sin. He lifted us up out of the pit and the miry clay. He put a new song in our hearts. The song of the redeemed. He gave us a new identity as His child. He adopted us into His family. He gives us the gift of eternal life. God didn’t have to do any of these things. It would have been perfectly just to let us die in our sin. But God is merciful. God is gracious. God is faithful. He desires to save not destroy.  

Whenever we are tempted to question the commandments of God. Whenever we are tempted to push back on God’s standard for holiness. Whenever we are tempted to doubt the wisdom and knowledge and motivations of God. Whenever we are tempted to rebel, throw them off, go our own way. It is important to remember where we came from. Who we were without Christ. Who we would be without Christ. Where we would be without His love and compassion. Our eternal destiny absent His gift of eternal life. Remember and rejoice, friends! God loves you! God saved you! God delivered you! Joyfully follow Him! Joyfully pursue holiness! Joyfully embrace the life God’s calling you to lead so you can be the person He created and redeemed you to be!

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 18-20, Luke 9:28-50, Psalms 73, Proverbs 12:10