Total Depravity

Readings for the day: 1 Kings 15:25-34, 16, and 2 Chronicles 17

Humanity is totally depraved. Left to our own devices, we will turn to sin over and over again. “Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.” (Proverbs‬ ‭26:11‬) This is a pattern revealed in Scripture from the opening pages of Genesis forward. God raises up a man or woman after his own heart. Think of Seth. Noah. Abraham and Sarah. Moses. Hannah. Samuel. David. But as each generation passes, things go from bad to worse. The faithfulness of our forefathers is lost in our lust for power and control and self-gratification. We’ve seen this before and we’ll see it again. Jeroboam abandoned the ways of David. Despite the fact that God Himself raised him up and gave him the northern kingdom, Jeroboam refused to worship God in the way He deserves and demands. The result is chaos. A kingdom in constant conflict. Assassinations. Betrayal. Rebellion. And throughout this refrain, “He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord...”

What keeps us from experiencing a similar fate? Faith. I love how the Bible describes King Jehoshaphat. 2 Chronicles 17:6, “His heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord.” What does this mean? Jehoshaphat removed all the idols and shrines that had been built on the hills throughout Judah. He loved God and followed His commandments. He sent out his officials to the farthest reaches of his kingdom to bring God’s Word to the people. Doesn’t that sound like the Great Commission from Matthew 28? Rather than wait for the people to come to him, come to the Temple, come to Jerusalem to learn about the ways of God; Jehoshaphat is so passionate about God, he sends out evangelists!!! Incredible! And what happens as a result? Jehoshaphat is given great honor by the Lord. Wealth and riches begin to flow into his hands. Power and authority. His kingdom experiences a season of peace for the fear of the Lord had fallen on everyone around them. 

Is your heart courageous in the ways of the Lord? What does that look like today? Not much has changed in a few thousand years. Do you seek God daily for wisdom and guidance and strength? Do you love His Word? Hunger and thirst for time with Him? Do you love to worship? To gather with God’s people to bring God praise? Do you seek to serve Him in all you do? Is your work an offering? Is your home a temple? Do you share the good news of the gospel with those around you who do not know the Lord? 

Do you pray for revival in our nation? Do you want to see God move powerfully in our town? What is required is men and women of faith whose hearts are courageous in the ways of the Lord! It’s literally the only answer and the only hope we have! I’ve seen it in action. I’ve seen what happens when men and women dedicate their lives to God. They plant churches. They risk pain and suffering and persecution and death for the sake of the gospel. They give up all they have for the glory of Christ. If I’ve learned anything from my Ethiopian brothers and sisters it is this...nothing can stop a man or woman whose heart is courageous in the ways of the Lord! Thousands of new churches. Hundreds of thousands of new believers. Entire communities and regions being transformed. There’s simply nothing like it on earth!