
Readings for the day: 2 Samuel 1, 2, 3, 4

King David is one of the most beloved people in all the Bible. He is tender and compassionate even as he is fierce and ruthless. He is a warrior and a musician. He is a king and a shepherd. And he is as human as they come. I think this is one of the reasons we like him so much. Today’s readings show him to be capable of great compassion. He weeps over the death of his enemies. Saul. Jonathan. Abner. Despite their attempts to kill him, he cared deeply for them. He respected them. He did his best to honor them. David is also capable of being ruthless and harsh. He kills the young man who brings him news of Saul’s death. He kills the two men who came to him with news of Ish-bosheth’s death. Now some might call those latter acts justice since in each case they took the life of the king but it is still brutal nonetheless. David is also capable of great faith. Reflecting on the Psalms over the last several days reveals a man after God’s own heart. A man who loves and trusts God. A man who looks to God for help and strength and hope. David is a man of great contradictions. 

We are all a people of great contradictions if we’re honest. We are all capable of great love. Tender mercy. Deep compassion. Over the course of my life in ministry, I have watched some of the toughest people be so gentle and loving with those who struggle. I have seen hardened criminals breakdown talking about their mothers or estranged children. At the same time, I know we are also capable of rage and anger and hate. We can be ruthless and harsh. If not on the outside then definitely on the inside. We too are judgmental and condemning especially with those who do us wrong. And yet, I’ve watched in awe as some of these same folks - angry, bitter, frustrated, cynical - turn from those emotions and seek after God. They reach out in faith. They demonstrate, even if on a small scale, a deep love for God. Or at least a deep desire for the love of God. Yes, we are a people of great contradictions. 

Here’s the really good news. God loves us for who we are. Not for who we should be. Or who we “ought” to be. Or the image of ourselves we project to the world around us. God loves the real you. The real me. The one full of contradictions and struggles and inconsistencies. The one full of virtue and vices. The one full of sin and saintliness. The one who is capable of great good and great evil all in the same day! This is the person God loves. This is the person God laid down His life for. This is the person God wants to spend all of eternity with. God loved David in the midst of his mess. God loves us in the midst of our mess. This, friends, is the heart of the gospel.