Jesus is Greater

Readings for today: Hebrews 1-4

 “Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” (Hebrews‬ ‭1:3‬)

These words are some of the most beautiful and profound in all of Scripture and they point to the fundamental reality the author of Hebrews will present over and over again throughout his book. Jesus is greater. He is greater than the angels. Beings of immense power and glory who serve at God’s right hand. He is greater than Moses. The greatest of the Old Testament prophets who saw God and spoke with Him face to face. He is greater than any high priest, having passed through the heavens to stand in the presence of the Father, living to make intercession for us. 

Jesus is greater. He has been given the throne by His Heavenly Father. All authority in heaven and earth and under the earth is His by right as God’s only Begotten Son. He was appointed heir of all things from eternity and through Him all things were made. He was made perfect through suffering. He was crowned with all glory and honor on the Cross. He took on a broken human nature so that by dying He might destroy the one who wields the power of death - the devil himself - and deliver all those he enslaved. He was made like us in every way so he might save to the uttermost those who believe in Him. And because Christ was faithful in every way, He is able to offer eternal rest to those who would follow Him. 

Jesus is greater. He is living and active. His Word sharper than any two-edged sword. He pierces the heart. Divides the soul. Separates joints and marrow. He discerns all the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. There is no place we can run. No place we can hide. We are all exposed and naked before Him. He knows our inmost thoughts. He judges the attitudes of our hearts. When we appear before Him on the last day, all of us will have to give an account for our lives. Thankfully, the One who sits in judgment on the throne is our faithful high priest. One who is able to sympathize with us in our weaknesses. One who has been tempted in every way as we have been tempted and yet remains without sin. 

It is this Jesus whom we celebrate at Christmas. It is this Jesus who is conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. It is this Jesus who lies in such mean estate in the manger while ox and ass are feeding. It is this Jesus around whom shepherds and wise men and angels gather to gaze at in wonder and awe. Jesus is the Word made flesh. Jesus is the Eternal Son. Jesus is greater because Jesus is God. O come let us adore Him!