In the beginning...

Readings for the Day: Genesis 1 & 2

Nothing. Emptiness. Void. Before time. Before space. Before matter.  There was only God. Already Trinity. Already Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Existing from eternity in Three Persons. Complete. Full. Rich. God needed nothing.  God lacked nothing.  God was eternally satisfied in Himself.  Decision. Resolve. Commitment.  God choosing to create.  God choosing to bring forth life and light and beauty and order.  God choosing to love and be loved.   

Let there be Light!  

Let there be Heaven! 

Let there be Earth and Seas! 

Let there be plants, trees, and flowers!

Let there stars and sun and moon! 

Let there be fish and birds! 

Let there be beasts on the earth! 

Something. Time and space and matter now come into being.  A universe filled with stars and planets and galaxies bursts into being. The first sunrise.  The first sunset. Tides begin. The first buds appear on the earth. The first babies are born on the earth and in the sea.  And through it all, there is God. Still lacking nothing.  Still needing nothing. Still eternally satisfied but deeply in love with all He creates.  

Out of love, God provides a guardian. Someone to take care of all He has made. A creature made in His own image. Male and female, they too are to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. They are given a sacred charge. To subdue the earth. To hold dominion over creation. God entrusting to them a precious gift. They are to steward life. To make sure it flourishes and God’s good purposes come to pass.  They are to nurture and care for it.  They are to work and keep it.  They are to guard and protect it.   

So much gets lost in the debates over whether creation happened in six literal 24-hour days.  Or whether the plural first person (“Let us make...”) is an early reference to the Trinity or simply the use of the royal “we” that was common in Ancient Near East literature. Or parsing the differences between the two creation accounts, one poetry (Gen. 1) and one prose (Gen. 2), that we lose sight of the point of the text.   

God creates something out of nothing.  Brings order to chaos. Light to darkness. Fills the void. And then sets humanity up as His vice-regents on the earth.  They are given the authority to rule over all He has made in His name.  They are to walk in obedience with Him and thereby enjoy a unique relationship with their Creator.  They are to work.  They are to be fruitful.  They are to multiply and fill the earth with the image and glory of God. This is their purpose.  This is the role God designed them to play.   

Think about all God has entrusted into your hands today.  Think about all the responsibilities God has given you.  Family. Friends. Work. Wealth. Talent. Ability.  How are you stewarding these gifts for His glory?  How are you living out your God-given purpose to nurture life today in all you say, think, and do?  How will you contribute to the flourishing of those around you?