

Readings for today: Exodus 14-18

Life is full of tests. We test ourselves physically when we go to the gym. We test ourselves mentally when we learn something new. We test ourselves emotionally and psychologically when we address the recurring issues that hold us back. We test ourselves financially when we make a big purchase or start a new business. We stretch ourselves relationally when we meet a new friend or get married or have children. How do you respond to tests? Do you see them as necessary evils to endure? Interruptions to what is an otherwise comfortable life? Do you see them as opportunities to grow? A chance to become more well-rounded and whole as a person?

The people of Israel faced any number of tests on their journey to the Promised Land. And it’s easy to get frustrated with all their complaining. But we have to remember Israel had been enslaved for hundreds of years. Generations had been beaten down. Generations had been whipped and abused and mistreated. Generations suffered from “learned helplessness” and one doesn’t recover from such an experience overnight. Yes, they had thrown off the physical yoke of their oppressor but now God was going to address something much deeper. A slavery of the mind and heart. This is why God takes them to the edge again and again. He is trying to teach them of His sufficiency. His sovereignty. His supremacy. He wants them to know He is trustworthy and true. He wants them to know He is always faithful. He wants them to learn how to depend on Him and believe Him and obey Him.

So He takes them to the worst possible spot on the map. Pins them between the armies of Egypt and the Red Sea. Is this a military blunder on God’s part? Did He make a strategic mistake? Far from it. He uses this moment to teach His people about His omnipotent power. He is more powerful than the most powerful empire on earth. He protects them with a pillar of fire and cloud. His glory is literally their rearguard. He rules all of creation with His mighty hand. He can split the sea with a blast from His nostrils. He delivers them in a way that is undeniably miraculous and, in fact, will form their seminal, collective identity from this point forward. Even today, the nation of Israel draws her strength and national identity from the Exodus story. But God’s not done. He leads them through parched and thirsty lands and miraculously provides water. When they come to the end of their supplies, He provides manna from heaven and quail for meat. Over and over again, they grumble and complain. They fall back into old patterns of thinking and believing. They cry out to Moses, “Have you brought us out here to die?” And over and over again, God provides. God meets their needs. God passes their test.

Where have you put God to the test in your life? This month, my two youngest daughters traveled to the other side of the world. They traveled alone on international flights. They had to navigate airports and immigration. They arrived in a place they had never been to spend the next five or six months with people they had never met. It has not been easy. They’ve had good days and bad days. But they are learning to trust God. They have put Him to the test and He is showing Himself faithful. They are growing in their faith in amazing ways. Don’t be afraid of the tests when they come. Don’t be afraid of the trials you have to endure. Those are the very places where God shows up and shows out.

Readings for tomorrow: Exodus 19-21