god is enough

God is All You Need

Readings for today: Genesis 38-40

The Lord was with Joseph. We hear that refrain over and over again in our reading today. The Lord was with Joseph so he found favor in the household of Potiphar. The Lord was with Joseph so everyone and everything in Potiphar’s house prospered. The Lord was with Joseph so he was given more and more authority even though he was a Hebrew slave. The Lord was with Joseph and he gained favor with the prison warden. The Lord was with Joseph so he was put in a place of authority even as an inmate. The Lord was with Joseph so all he did was successful. The Lord was with Joseph.

At the same time, Joseph didn’t have an easy life. He was enslaved. He was betrayed by his master’s wife. He was false accused. He was imprisoned for holding fast to his integrity. He was a victim of gross injustice. He was forgotten by his fellow inmates even after he helped them by interpreting their dreams. Still he walked by faith. Still he trusted the Lord. One never gets the sense that Joseph is down or depressed or throws himself a pity party. He knew the Lord was with him and that was more than enough.

Do you believe God is all you need? Take a moment and reflect on the question. Don’t rush to give the “right” answer. Pray over this question. Ask the Holy Spirit to probe your heart and reveal to you the truth of where you stand. If you believe God is all you need, then you can endure just about anything. You can make it through every difficult situation. You can persevere through tremendous suffering. You can find joy even in the midst of the deepest grief. You can lay your life down for those you love and those you live among. You can pour yourself out over and over again because you know God will be there to fill you back up. But if you don’t believe God is all you need. If you aren’t sure God is all you need. If there are things in your life that you simply cannot live without then you are in trouble. All it will take is one of those things to go away or be taken away and you will find yourself experiencing crushing disappointment.

So how does one get to a place in life where God truly is all they need? It’s a process. It takes time. It takes intentionality. Presenting yourself daily before the Lord. Spending time with Him in His presence. Listening to Him speak through His Word. Asking Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Trusting Him to lead and guide you in every decision and in every situation. Do this day after day after day over the course of your life and you will find yourself believing God truly is all you need.

Readings for tomorrow: Genesis 41-43