
Friendship with God

Readings for today: Exodus 33-36

It is not good for human beings to be alone. We were not created to be alone. We don’t do well when we are alone. It’s why solitary confinement in prisons is now considered to be a cruel and unusual punishment. Isolation and loneliness leads to feelings of fear and anxiety, depression and despair. We need to hear another’s voice. We need to feel the touch of another’s hand. We need to know and be known. We need to love and be loved. In particular, we need these things from God.

God spoke to Moses face to face. Just like Adam and Eve and Noah and Abraham before him. Moses enjoyed a deep, intimate relationship with God. In fact, he was even called God’s friend. And like any friendship, it involved knowing and being known. Moses, of course, was already known by God but God wasn’t necessarily known by Moses. Not at first. And this is why Moses asks God to reveal more of Himself to him. “Moses said to the Lord, “Look, you have told me, ‘Lead this people up,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You said, ‘I know you by name,  and you have also found favor with me.’ Now if I have indeed found favor with you, please teach me your ways, and I will know you, so that I may find favor with you. Now consider that this nation is your people.” (Exodus‬ ‭33‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Moses longed to know God on a deeper level. Yes, Moses wanted to know God’s ways so he could obey Him but even more, He wanted to know God’s name so he could know Him. And what was God’s response? He gave Moses the gift of His presence. He gave Moses the gift of His rest. Most of all, He shared with Moses the gift of His divine name. Exodus 34:6-7 is one of the most important passages in all Scripture. It represents God’s self-revelation. God making Himself known, not only to Moses, but to all who would come after him. “The Lord passed in front of him and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth,  maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin.  But he will not leave the guilty  unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ iniquity on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.” (Exodus‬ ‭34‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭CSB) Moses’ experience of God left a mark on him. From this point forward, Moses face would shine with heaven’s glory every time he met with God. In fact, his relationship with God was so deep and intimate that he had to veil his face when he left God’s presence to meet with his people. Think about that! Moses could meet with God face to face but had to cover his face when he met with his own people!

Friendship with God is the antidote to every fear. It is the answer for every anxiety. It provides hope for the hopeless and help for the helpless. It lifts up the fallen. It pulls those who despair out of the pit and miry clay. Friendship with God gives us rest. Freedom. Peace. Joy. It is the constant, abiding experience of a love so deep and profound, it transcends all other loves in this world. Those who walk with God and know the friendship of God radiate the glory of God to those around them. There is nothing more important in life or this world than pursuing a friendship with God.

Readings for tomorrow: Exodus 37-40