
Ethiopian Revival!

Ethiopian Revival!

To be Christian is to be a missionary.  To love God is to love the people God loves.  The lost.  The lonely.  The busy. The hurting.  To follow Christ is to follow His lead in extending compassion and grace and proclaiming the truth to those in need wherever they may be found. To serve Christ is our highest calling and to this great end, we must “mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” 

Dispatches from the Front: Eastern Ethiopia

Dispatches from the Front: Eastern Ethiopia

He is known simply as “Church Planter 106.” His identity kept secret for his own protection and that of his family. He is an almost legendary figure among our Eastern Ethiopian church planters. Unfortunately, I was only able to hear his story second-hand but it is too amazing not to share.

Dispatches from the Front: Djibouti

Dispatches from the Front: Djibouti

Senite has the most beautiful smile. Her joy as she speaks is palpable. She laughs when she talks about being put in prison with her husband. She constantly interrupts herself to give praise to God for His faithfulness. She speaks of persecution and beatings and threats as if these thing are normal, which they are in her context. Her passion to share Christ is contagious and convicting.

Dispatch from the Front: Uganda

Dispatch from the Front: Uganda

Pastor Silvest is an amazing Ugandan pastor who has planted nine churches (and counting) in his country. Humble. Soft-spoken. He speaks of God with a deep voice and an even deeper faith. He has been beaten several times. He has had his home robbed. His family threatened. Early in his ministry, his only means of transportation (a bicycle) was stolen so he walked from church to church to preach on Sundays.

Dispatch from the Front: South Sudan

Dispatch from the Front: South Sudan

Anarchy. Civil War. Unspeakable tragedy. Lawlessness. Suffering. Drought. Famine. Disease. Death. These are the conditions under which the Kingdom of God is growing in South Sudan. 150,000 new believers in the last ten years. 180 new church plants. 77 indigenous church planters risking their lives for the sake of the gospel. Through these incredible men and women, the Kingdom of God is growing through miracles, signs, and wonders. And I get the pleasure of spending a week with them. Like Elisha of old, I find myself wanting a double portion of their spirit.