Following Jesus

Blessings and Curses

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 28-30

The difficulty with today’s readings is how we tend to “externalize” them. We read through all these blessings and curses and almost immediately jump to the conclusion that they are not fair. They are not right. They are arbitrary and capricious. Our baseline assumption is that human beings are generally good people who occasionally make bad decisions and we question what right God has to judge us so harshly.

But what if understood these blessings and curses to be more like logical consequences than the actions of a volatile deity intent on our destruction? What if these blessings and curses are really God letting us know what will happen as a result of our actions in this world? For example, consider our current crisis. If we will obey the government and abide by the social distancing regulations there is a fair chance our healthcare system will not collapse and we can slowly get on top of this virus. However, if we choose to ignore the social distancing restrictions and do our own thing - see the videos of college students on spring break - the disease will spread and more lives will be lost. This is the logical consequence when human beings fail to love their neighbor as themselves.

So perhaps the judgment of God is less about Him flying into a rage and laying waste to humanity and more about Him simply withdrawing His protective hand? Perhaps it’s God withdrawing His protection and giving us over to the logical consequences of our decision-making? Consider another real-life example. I was in southern Ethiopia two years ago with a team. They were suffering from a drought. Crops were dying. Herds were dying. People were suffering tremendously. This broke the hearts of the members of our team. I remember speaking with one of them as we began our long journey back home. “How can God allow such suffering?” She asked. “Can I respond to your question with another question?” I said. “Sure,” she replied. “Why are we so quick to pin this on God? The World Bank estimates it would take 150 billion to bring clean water to the world. The World Economic Forum suggests it would take 267 billion to end world hunger. These are very realistic goals if human beings simply would follow the words of Jesus and love their neighbors as themselves.” Add to this the fact that the United States uses 25% of the world’s energy so we can live in large homes and drive SUV’s and fund relatively extravagant lifestyles. One can easily see how the natural propensity human beings have for selfishness directly contributes to the suffering of the least resourced in our world.

So what’s the answer? Global communism? The Socialist Green New Deal? The destruction of capitalism? Corporate or political give-aways? No. Again, human sin will always corrupt even the most idealistic of social programs. The answer is Jesus Christ. Only through Christ are we given a new heart. And with a new heart comes a fresh desire to glorify God and serve our neighbor. Only Jesus can solve the most fundamental problem we face in the world today…the total depravity of the human condition. And thankfully, God offers His Son freely and graciously to all who would place their trust in Him.

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 31-34

Economics of a Pandemic

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 24-27

By now, the news is beginning to settle in. The stock market is plunging. Jobs are being lost. People are being laid off. The economy is bracing for a deep recession. And while we are all praying for a quick resolution to the national crisis we face, experts like Francis Collins are telling us it could be June before things begin to calm down. I don’t know about you but that feels like an eternity to me. Reports are trickling in from my own congregation and the people they are connected to regarding the financial vulnerability of so many. It’s scary. And it’s tempting to turn inward. To hoard. To become selfish.

Perhaps that’s why I love the words from Deuteronomy today to a people who were no strangers to hardship. To a people who had experienced plague and famine and drought and disease without the resources we enjoy in the 21st century. As the people of God prepare to enter the Promised Land and establish a new way of living, God directly addresses the economy.

“When you make your neighbor a loan of any sort, you shall not go into his house to collect his pledge. You shall stand outside, and the man to whom you make the loan shall bring the pledge out to you. And if he is a poor man, you shall not sleep in his pledge. You shall restore to him the pledge as the sun sets, that he may sleep in his cloak and bless you. And it shall be righteousness for you before the Lord your God.“ (Deut. 24:10-13) God is concerned with the dignity of a person. Fortunes rise and fall and so much of what we go through economically depends on forces outside our control. What is in our control, however, is how we treat one another. And God wants us to be as merciful and gracious as possible with those who are facing hardship.

"You shall not oppress a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns. You shall give him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets (for he is poor and counts on it), lest he cry against you to the Lord, and you be guilty of sin.” (Deut. 24:14-15) God is a God of justice. He is a God of righteousness. He demands that we treat one another well. He will hold us accountable for how we treat one another. Especially the poor in our midst. He will also honor the sacrifices we make on behalf of those who are under-resourced or less fortunate than us.

"When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. When you beat your olive trees, you shall not go over them again. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow. When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, you shall not strip it afterward. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt; therefore I command you to do this.” (Deut. ‭24:19-22‬) God stands against greed. God stands against hoarding. God stands against price gouging. God stands against those who would use this time for their own economic gain rather than look to assist the needs of others. The people of Israel were to be intentionally generous. They were to remember their plight in Egypt and, as a result, make sure to play their part in making sure everyone had what they needed to survive.

It begs the question, doesn’t it? What can we do to bring relief for those who need it most in the midst of our current crisis? What can we do to relieve the financial burdens so many bear? Are we able to provide rental assistance? Make a grocery run? Help with a few bills? Are we checking on our neighbors to see what they need and doing all we can to help out? What about our food service workers who’ve been laid off? Or those in the entertainment or sports industry? I’ve been so thankful that so many companies are making huge sacrifices to keep their employees on the payroll. I believe God will honor such decisions and I’m praying their example inspires all of us to help out in whatever way we can.

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 28-30

Ancient Wisdom

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 20-23

Good morning! If you are just joining us…welcome…but what a day to jump in on! All kinds of confusing stuff in today’s reading from Deuteronomy. Holy war. Jihad. The massacre of innocents. Strange regulations regarding unsolved murders and intermarriage with female prisoners. Inheritance rights. What to do with rebellious children. And then a whole string of random laws governing livestock, agriculture, and fashion. Followed by an extended section on sexual immorality and ritual purity. Then another string of random laws governing slavery, banking, and sacred vows. It’s enough to make one’s head spin!

What do we make of it all? Well, first and foremost, we must acknowledge many of these laws are specifically directed at ancient Israel and therefore have no real application for today. They are designed specifically for a cultural context with which we have no familiarity. They may seem barbaric at times and odd at other times but they held real purpose for an ancient people who were just getting started as a nation. However, this doesn’t mean we have nothing to learn from this section of text. God is communicating something about Himself to us through these ancient words. For example, purity. Notice how God restricts the sowing of two different kinds of seed or the mixing of fibers in clothing or forbids cross-dressing. God is clearly concerned with keeping things distinct and orderly and “according to its kind” much like He did in the creation narrative in Genesis 1. Second, holiness. Why does God demand Israel kill everything in the pagan cities they conquer? He’s concerned anyone or anything left over will become a snare for Israel. He’s concerned they will be tempted to worship other gods. He even says as much in Deuteronomy 20:18, “that they may not teach you to do according to all their abominable practices that they have done for their gods, and so you sin against the Lord your God.” This sounds incredible harsh and unyielding and unfair in our ears but God will not tolerate any rivals for our affections. He is serious about the sin of idolatry. And for those who might be tempted to dismiss the Old Testament God in favor of the New Testament God, please remember Jesus’ words about the final judgment. God will separate the believers from the unbelievers. Heaven and hell are eternal realities. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Reading this text today can expose our natural bias. We typically come to the text with a “hermeneutic of suspicion.” Which is to say, we come to the text demanding that it prove itself to us. Prove it’s worth by giving us something to apply to our lives. We have this natural tendency to want to turn the text into a self-help manual. A roadmap to our best life now. We want the text to speak to our cultural moment. We want to “rub” the text like a lamp and treat God like a genie. Instead, texts like the one for today demand something from us. Demand that we take God seriously. Demand that we treat the text on its terms and not our own. It forces us out of our cultural arrogance and chronological snobbery as we come face to face with the holiness of God.

Does that mean it’s all doom and gloom? Does that mean there is nothing here for us to hold onto for hope? Quite the contrary. We just have to keep digging. Keep praying. Keep seeking. Keep searching. Dig down deep enough below the surface regulations and what do we discover about God’s nature and character? He loves His people. Fiercely. Loyally. Stubbornly. He does not want to see them fall into temptation. Our God is a God of reconciliation and forgiveness and atonement even in situations where justice cannot be served because the murderer cannot be found. Our God is a God of mercy and compassion which is why He graciously welcomes those women captured in battle - who in ancient times were often treated brutally - as part of His people. He orders society for the good of all, protecting property and inheritance rights. Protecting the poor from predatory lending and providing for them by allowing them to glean in the fields. He is concerned about the pain and suffering that comes from rampant sexual immorality so He places protections around the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. All of this is in the best interest of His chosen people. All of this to set them apart from the rest of the pagan world.

Now consider our current cultural moment. How are we set apart as Christians? How are we acting in alignment with God’s character and nature? Are we acting with love and grace? Are we seeking to build up rather than tear down? Are we spreading the peace of Christ amidst all the fear? Are we taking daily steps of mercy and compassion to those around us who may be in need? Bringing it down to brass tacks…will we share from our abundance with those in need? (Yes, even our beloved toilet paper!) Will we submit to our government and pray for our leaders out of a desire to honor God? Will we resist the temptation that comes during a time like this to give into hate or anger or violence? Are we using this time to build up our marriages and families and to deepen our relationships with those we love?

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 24-27

The Test of Leadership

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 16-19

I’m watching a press conference from the White House and reflecting on the reading from today. As we read, "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen— just as you desired of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, 'Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God or see this great fire any more, lest I die.' And the Lord said to me, 'They are right in what they have spoken. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.”‭‭ (Deuteronomy‬ ‭18:15-18‬) Please understand I am not suggesting our president is God’s prophet nor Dr. Fauci nor anyone else in particular for that matter. But I am thinking about how godly leaders seem to rise to the moment. They rise to the crisis. They become the mouthpiece of God. They speak the words God gives to them. And I am thankful for our leaders and the way they are handling themselves in this unprecedented hour.

Now more than ever we need God’s prophets. We need godly leaders who will spread calm in the midst of our crisis. They will be voices of reason in the midst of all the hysteria. They will be measured and thoughtful and wise in their approach. They will resist panic. They will resist stoking fears and anxieties. They will seek real solutions and good outcomes and privilege good information over bad. Data over feelings. Truth over lies. Most of all, I hope and pray they seek God’s guidance for this cultural moment. We are living in unprecedented times. This is a unique crisis requiring a unique response and we need God’s wisdom if we are to make it through. Thankfully, God promises to give wisdom generously to all who seek Him and I am praying for our president, vice-president, senators, congressmen and women, governors, and political leaders up and down the spectrum.

But I am also praying for each one of you. Each one of us is a leader of some kind or another. The question we have to ask ourselves is will we be God’s prophet? Will we seek and speak His truth? Will we be guided by His Spirit? Will we act in accordance with His will? Will we do our best to spread the peace of Christ? To be calm in the midst of this crisis? Will we lead our families well during this time? Will we lead our churches well? Our businesses well? All those who fall under our influence well?

How does one do this? Well, one has to start with one’s own heart. One has to be at peace with Christ to spread the peace of Christ. One has to be calm in order to spread calm. One has to be wise in order to spread wisdom. This is where our personal spiritual disciplines come in. How much time are we spending before the Lord in prayer? How much time are we spending in God’s Word? Now is a great time to begin journaling simply to process what you are feeling and perhaps hearing from the Lord. Make sure to spend time in silence. Turn off your device. Refrain from too much social media engagement. Get outside if you can. Take a walk. Get more rest. Get more sleep. Do what you can to care for yourself and to let the Lord fill your tank in this season. We do not know the future, friends, but we can be confident in the One who does!

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 20-23

Spiritual Alzheimer’s

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 8-11

“Remember.” “Lest you forget.” “Do not forget.”  The Book of Deuteronomy is filled with references to memory. Filled with warnings about forgetting the mighty works of God. Filled with encouragement to never losing sight of the faithfulness of God. Moses is keenly aware of a condition we all suffer from...spiritual alzheimer’s. 

My family has a history of Alzheimer’s. It hit my paternal grandfather in his late thirties. It hit my paternal grandmother in her seventies. It hit my aunt in her late fifties. It hit my maternal grandmother in her eighties. And I expect it will hit me at some point in time. Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease. It robs one of their most precious memories. As our memories fade, our personalities change. We say things we wouldn’t normally say. We do things we wouldn’t normally do. We almost become different people. My paternal grandmother was one of the most outgoing and energetic people I have ever known. She was bold. Courageous. Didn’t care about social convention. She was eccentric and weird in a funny, unique way that made her beloved to those who knew her. When she lost her memory, she became withdrawn. Fearful. Scared. Insecure. I would visit her often in the care facility where she was staying and it was incredibly hard to watch her decline. Or I think about my maternal grandmother. She was beautiful. Dignified. Brilliant. She could play Bach and Beethoven by ear. When she lost her memory, she eventually declined into a catatonic state that was heartbreaking. 

We all suffer from this disease on some level. It is so easy for us to forget all God has done. Despite all the miracles. Despite God’s provision in the wilderness. Despite God’s protection and deliverance and the many ways He declared His love for His people...Moses knew Israel would forget. He knew they would get into the Promised Land and begin to prosper. They would build homes and plant vineyards. They would harvest crops and raise their herds. They would conquer cities and lay claim to the territory once promised to Abraham. And in the midst of all this success, they would forget God. “Take care lest you forget the Lord your God by not keeping his commandments and his rules and his statutes, which I command you today, lest, when you have eaten and are full and have built good houses and live in them, and when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied and all that you have is multiplied, then your heart be lifted up, and you forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, who led you through the great and terrifying wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water, who brought you water out of the flinty rock, who fed you in the wilderness with manna that your fathers did not know, that he might humble you and test you, to do you good in the end. Beware lest you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.” (Deut. ‭8:11-17‬)

We have to work hard to remember. We have to incorporate spiritual rhythms into our daily lives so we do not forget. By reading God’s Word and humbling ourselves before Him in prayer and participating in corporate worship every week, we remind ourselves of the most important truth of our lives...we are not our own! We are not our own! It is God who gives us the power to get wealth. (8:18) It is God who gives us victory over our enemies. (9:1-3) It is God alone who is righteous. It is God alone who is holy. To God belongs the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. And the only reason we are not destroyed along with the rest of the nations is because God made a decision in eternity to love us and set us apart for Himself. “Yet the Lord set his heart in love on your fathers and chose their offspring after them, you above all peoples, as you are this day.” (Deut. ‭10:15‬)

This is why we walk in the ways of the Lord. This is why we keep His commandments. By following the Law of God, we are constantly reminded of His great goodness towards us. Reminded of His great love for us. Reminded of His great faithfulness. God demands our obedience not because He needs it. Not because He’s controlling or manipulative or demanding or insecure. God demands our obedience because He wants to preserve in our hearts our memory of Him. “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the Lord, which I am commanding you today for your good.” (Deut. ‭10:12-13‬) 

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 12-15

The Great Commandment

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 4-7

Deuteronomy 6:4 contains the single most important prayer in all of Israel. “"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” It is the prayer known as the “Shema” (pronounced Sh’ma). Jews are required to recite this prayer twice a day. It is the first prayer they teach their children. It is the last prayer they pray before they die. It captures the essence of their monotheistic faith. Praying this prayer twice a day reminds the Jewish people of the personal relationship they have with God and His Kingdom. They are His chosen people. They are His royal priesthood. They are His holy nation. Set apart by God Himself to declare His glory to the nations of the earth. To fulfill the great promise once made to Abraham. "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but it is because the Lord loves you and is keeping the oath that he swore to your fathers, that the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,” (Deut. ‭7:6-9‬)

Because God has chosen them. Because God has set His love on them. Because God has delivered them from bondage and slavery in Egypt. Israel is to return His love.  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” (Deut. ‭6:5‬) This is the second part of the Shema. The commitment of the believer to honor God in every facet of their lives. We are to love God with all our heart. All our affections. All our feelings. He must love Him first above all other things. All other people. All of our accomplishments, dreams, and visions. We must love Him with our souls. Form the depths of our beings. From the deepest recesses of who we are. To love God with our “soul” is to literally love Him from our bowels. From our gut. From a place deeper than our minds. Deeper than our hearts. The very core of our beings. We must love God with all our might. All our physical strength and activity should be dedicated to the glory of God. All our work. All our play. All our relationships. All our physical labor. All of it is to bring glory to God. This is what the Apostle Paul is referring to in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

There is a lot packed into today’s reading. So many reminders of God’s great faithfulness to His people. Despite their sin. Despite their grumbling. Despite their complaining. God remains steadfast. This is the essence of the covenant of grace God has made with His people. Fast forward a few thousand years to Jesus. A lawyer challenges him one day to identify the greatest of the commandments. Jesus goes right back to the Shema. “And Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." (Matt. ‭22:37-40‬) Not only did Jesus place the Shema at the center of His life but He demands His followers do the same. 

How are you seeking to love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength? What does that practically look for you in your life? If you do not know, let me challenge you to memorize Matthew 22:37 and ask God to give you the wisdom to know how to place the Shema at the center of your life like Jesus.  

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 8-10

One Last Sermon…

Readings for today: Deuteronomy 1-3

You finished Numbers! Great job! Another book down! Some would say you’ve just made it through one of the toughest stretches of the Bible. Pat yourself on the back as we dig into Deuteronomy.  

The Book of Deuteronomy is a sermon. In fact, it is Moses’ final sermon to God’s people. His last will and testament as it were. His final chance to encourage. Challenge. Confront. Comfort. He’s now led Israel for decades. And he was no spring chicken when he got started! He’s led them out of Egypt. Led them through the wilderness. Led them through the ups and downs of the wilderness journey. He has personally witnessed the miracles of God. Delivered the Ten Commandments. Issued the Law. Under the mighty hand of God, he has created a system of worship, governance, economics, and military organization that will long outlast him. It is a remarkable accomplishment. 

Now he’s at the end of his life. He’s not going over the Jordan. He will not set foot in the Promised Land. What would you say in Moses’ position? Given one last chance to address God’s people, what would be on your heart and mind? What would you want them to know moving forward? What lessons would you hope they learned?  

One of my favorite speeches of all time was delivered April 3, 1968 by Martin Luther King Jr. on the eve of his assassination. He sounds a lot like Moses in my mind. “Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like any man, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land. And I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” I think at the end of the day Moses, like King, was happy. He knew he couldn’t go over to the Promised Land but he died knowing his great work was finished. He had witnessed the salvation of God’s people. He had seen the glory of the Lord. 

When you finish your life, how will you feel? When you look back at all you’ve experienced. All you’ve accomplished. All you set out to do. When you think about your family. Your children. Your grandchildren. What will you want them to know about you? Say about you? Remember about you? Will it have anything to do with your faith in Christ? 

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 4-7

The Rights of God

Readings for today: Numbers 33-36

I read a news report this morning out of St. Louis about a family who ignored a quarantine to go shopping, hit the gym, and get their nails done. It seems their daughter had recently returned from Italy where she was exposed to the coronavirus. But instead of following the directions of the CDC, this particular family believed they had the right to go where they pleased. The result is a potential outbreak that could result suffering and death for certain, immunocompromised members of their community.

Sounds about right, doesn’t it? Americans as a general rule believe we have been given certain freedoms. Inalienable rights. Guaranteed us by our Constitution. Among those are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion. In short, we believe no one has a right to tell us what to do or where to go or how to act. If we ever feel those rights are being threatened, we take action. We fight back. We sue. Nothing, it seems, will stop us from pursuing our own self-interest.

Can you imagine what would happen if God chose to do the same? After all, His rights were violated the moment Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. His rights are violated every time a human being engages in sin and breaks His law. His rights are violated when we worship idols and images of our own making. Ascribing to created things the glory due our Creator.

One of the real challenges in reading Scripture is to keep in mind the rights of God. God has the right to literally wipe out the entire universe and start over. God has the right to kill every man, woman, and child on the earth for their sin. God has the right to judge the nations and destroy them for their greed and lust for power. God has the right to do all this and more. So what stays God’s hand? His endless mercy. His amazing grace. His unconditional love. His great faithfulness.

We are nearing the end of the Torah. The great story of the formation of God’s people. The birth of a nation. God has rescued them from slavery in Egypt. He has exposed the emptiness of the idols of the greatest empire on earth. God has utterly broken Pharaoh who set himself up as a god. God is demonstrating His power and authority over all He has made and He is about to do the same as Israel enters the Promised Land. God is faithful. He will not let this world go. He will have His way among us. He will have the glory He deserves. He will make Himself known to the pagan nations of the earth. This is why God commands Israel to “drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you and destroy all their figured stones and destroy all their metal images and demolish all their high places. And you shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given the land to you to possess it.” (Numbers‬ ‭33:52-53)

God has a right to our worship. God has a right to our total allegiance. God has a right to our faithful obedience. He wants nothing more than our whole hearts. Nothing less than our full devotion. Nothing else but our very souls. Turn and embrace the God who loves you so much, friends! Give Him the glory He is due! Humble yourself before His throne! Submit yourself to His sovereign authority over your life! Trust Him with all that you are and all that you have! He is faithful. He is true. And He loves you with an everlasting love.

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 1-3

Holy War

Readings for today: Numbers 29-32

Holy War. Jihad. Violence sanctioned by God Himself. In Numbers 31, God directs Moses and Israel to attack Midian. “Avenge the people of Israel on the Midianites. Afterward you shall be gathered to your people.” Who was Midian and what had they done to Israel to cause God’s judgment to fall on them in such an extreme fashion? 

Midian was a son of Abraham and his servant Keturah. While Abraham was still living, he sent Midian away so that there would be no competition for Isaac’s inheritance. Midian presumably thrived over the years becoming a great tribal nation. Abraham’s great-grandson Joseph was sold to Midianite traders as they made their way to Egypt. Moses fled to Midian to escape Egyptian justice and actually married a Midianite woman. As Moses learned to lead the nation of Israel, he leaned on his father-in-law, a Midianite priest, for advice but Israel’s close association with Midian would come back to haunt them as they began to intermarry with them and co-mingle their worship practices. This results in judgment as God pours out His wrath on Israel through a plague which is only stopped when Phinehas kills Cozbi, daughter of a Midianite chief named Zur, and her husband Zimri who was the son of a Simeonite chief. Furthermore, the Midianites had allied themselves with the Moabites, setting themselves in opposition to Israel, and called on one of their prophets - Balaam - to come and curse the people of God. 

You may remember the 2nd Commandment. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,” (Exodus‬ ‭20:4-5‬)‬‬ God is jealous for His divine name. Jealous for His divine glory. Jealous for His relationship with His people. He makes clear over and over again throughout the Scriptures that He will tolerate no rivals. So when Israel begins to worship the Midianite gods, God takes action. First, he punishes Israel as I mentioned above. Then He calls for holy war. He commands His people to attack Midian and “execute the Lord’s vengeance.” Vengeance not in the sense of God losing control and lashing out but vengeance in the sense of the righteous execution of God’s justice. Israel is successful. They kill all the males that come against them. They take the women and children hostage. They plunder their possessions. Then they go one step further. As an act of ritual purity, they kill all the male children and any women who is not a virgin. It is brutal. It is horrifying. It is judgment. The women were just as guilty as the Israelite men in the sin of idolatry at Peor and their guilt conveys to their male children as well who - if left alive - might seek their own revenge against Israel in the future. (Blood feuds between tribes and clans were common in ancient times and could last generations.)

This is scary stuff. Especially for the 21st century American reader. It doesn’t square with our culturally notions of a loving God who always shows mercy and grace to the sinner. When we read passages like this, we think of modern-day terrorists. Suicide bombers. Religious extremists like ISIS and we cannot understand how our God could ever act in such ways. This is where we come face to face with God’s holiness. God’s righteousness. God’s justice. The stark reality is this...evil makes God angry. Idolatry is an offense. He does not let it go. He does not overlook our sin. He does not turn a blind eye to our rebellion. This is why the cross is itself so brutal and horrifying. There God pours out the full measure of His righteous wrath and judgment on His Son. Satisfying the demands of divine justice through Jesus’ suffering and death. On the cross, the truly innocent One dies in our place.

So what is our response? Repentance. Repentance is the only appropriate response of the creature when confronted by the Creator and this is the lesson we must all take away. God will not be mocked. Not back then. Not now. Not in the future. God is a God of love and mercy and grace but He is also a God of holiness and righteousness and justice. He is quick to forgive the sin of those who repent but He is also faithful to judge those who persist in their rebellion. Humble yourself before the Lord before it is too late. Embrace the Son and what He has done for you. Give your life to Christ that you might be saved from the coming judgment.

Readings for today: Numbers 33-36

Whole-hearted Devotion

Readings for today: Numbers 25-28

Baal is the Canaanite fertility god. Worshipped by the tribes occupying the Promised Land, he will continue to entice the people of Israel to abandon the true worship of the Living God. The Moabites and the Midianites (nomadic tribesman who wandered frequently much like the Bedouin’s today) worshipped Baal through sex and gluttony. They would hold massive parties where they would eat and drink to excess. In the midst of the drunkenness, they would engage in all kinds of sexual activity. All in an effort to show Baal how faithful they were to him so he would make their crops grow and their flocks multiply and open the wombs of all the women so they would bear children. So when Numbers 25 talks about the people of Israel “whoring” with the daughters of Moab, it is speaking literally. They were engaging in the worship practices of Baal and this was an abomination before the Lord. One of them even took it as far as bringing a Midianite woman before the Tabernacle and having sex with her in front of Moses and the whole congregation. It was a brazen act of defiance against God. 

If we don’t learn anything else from this passage, we must understand how serious God is about worship. Not just what we do on Sunday mornings for an hour but the worship we give Him every single day. God demands our single-minded devotion. God will not tolerate us worshipping other gods. God will not allow our love to be divided. It’s black or white. You either love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength or you don’t. There really is no gray area. This doesn’t mean we will be perfect and God, in His graciousness, provides for our weaknesses. But the trajectory of our hearts must be set. God must be our North Star! God must be the sole object of our devotion! God alone is worthy to be praised! 

It is critical to think about this passage in context of what we read yesterday. Balaam was paid by the king of Moab to curse Israel. Several times, he makes the attempt only to have God intervene. God will not allow Israel’s enemies to curse her. He will protect and guard His people. But what about when Israel curses herself? What about when she brings judgment down on herself for her actions? What Balaam could not do, Israel did to herself by worshipping Baal at Peor and this incident becomes proverbial in the national life of Israel. It will show up again and again throughout the Old Testament. Deuteronomy, Joshua, Psalms, and Hosea all refer back to this moment in time when Israel broke the first commandment and abandoned her God. In fact, it shows up in the New Testament as well when the Apostle Paul references it in chapter ten of his first letter to the Corinthians.

We aren’t so different, are we? Over and over again, God protects us. Provides for us. Guards us and keeps us. He rescues us from the curse of sin. He breaks the power of the devil. He overthrows death itself. But then we chase after other gods. We pursue success. We pursue wealth. We pursue comfort. We pursue safety. We make idols out of our children. Out of our health. Out of our professional careers. We even bring these idols with us to worship and ask God’s blessing upon them! (I think of the picture that went viral a few years back of the religious cult in Pennsylvania asking God’s blessing on their AR-15’s! Craziness!) 

Unfortunately, this temptation is common to us all. I cannot tell you the number of people I have married over the years who engaged in premarital sex but then wanted God’s blessing on their relationship. I cannot tell you the number of people over the years who shared with me God told them to get divorced. I cannot tell you the number of people who told me they felt God blessed their adultery. And it’s not just sex. I’ve heard the same arguments from parents who try to justify putting their child’s activities above everything else in their life, including their marriage and the worship of God. I’ve heard the same arguments from individuals who justify their climb up the corporate ladder, no matter the cost to their family and friends. And I’ve heard similar arguments from addicts who justify their dependence on pills or alcohol or pot or some other drug that numbs all their pain. We seem so eager and willing to sacrifice everything on the altar of self-gratification, self-indulgence, and self-promotion. It’s like we’re still worshipping the Baal of Peor!

Friends, God will not be mocked! God will not tolerate our sin. We cannot pretend there won’t be consequences for our rebellion. It may not be Phineas with his spear but it could be much, much worse. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. ‭7:21‬) What sin are you indulging in your life right now? What thoughts do you entertain? What feelings are you holding onto? What activities are you engaging in that will bring down God’s judgment? A man by the name of H. Richard Niebuhr once argued that too many Christians want to believe in a “God without wrath bringing men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.” If you have fallen for this lie, you need to repent. If words like “judgment”, “sin”, “wrath”, etc. have fallen out of your vocabulary, you are in danger of missing out on the heart of the gospel. Yes, God is love. But because God is love, He hates our sin. Because God is love, He sent His Son to die. Because God is love, He bore the wrath we deserved. Paid the price we owed. Satisfied the judgment we earned. God’s love is not some warm fuzzy. It is fierce. Jealous. Loyal. Steadfast. True. And it will not tolerate any rivals. 

The Donkey that Spoke

Readings for today: Numbers 21-24

When I was in college, I used to go to lunch at Daddy’s Bruce’s Pit BBQ. It was a little hole in the wall place near the campus run by one of the most godly men I have ever met. “Daddy Bruce” - as he was affectionately called - was a larger than life African-American man who loved Jesus with all his heart. His father - the original Daddy Bruce - had become famous in Denver for serving the homeless a turkey dinner each year for Thanksgiving. The Daddy Bruce I knew followed in his father’s footsteps, often serving those in need alongside paying customers. The first time I met Daddy Bruce, he found out I was a Christian. From that point forward, every time I showed up I had to have a Bible verse memorized in order to get my food. Daddy Bruce taught me to love the Scriptures. He told me story after story from the Bible. I am convinced he had most of it memorized. As I would sit at his little bar and eat my BBQ, he would get more and more wound up. He’d start preaching up a storm and the whole restaurant would stop to listen. It was amazing. Daddy Bruce had a way with words. He was a gifted orator. Steeped in the rich black preaching tradition, his preaching was verbal art. I still remember him introducing me to the story of Balaam. “Doug”, he said in his thick southern accent, “when you come in here I don’t want to hear no Footprints in the Sand. I don’t want to hear ‘bout some Prayer of Serenity. Tell me about the donkey that spoke! Now that’s in the Bible!” Oh, how I miss that man!

The story of Balaam is a significant one in Scripture. Believe it or not, it becomes a sort of cautionary tale that is referenced throughout the Old and New Testaments. Over and over again, God’s people are warned to avoid the sins of Balaam. And what are those sins? Divination. Sorcery. Fortune-telling. Balaam was a hired gun. He would bless or curse others for money. He was an ancient witch doctor with a powerful and fearsome reputation in that part of the world. So when Israel comes up out of Egypt and threatens Moab, the king sends for him. “Come now, curse this people for me, since they are too mighty for me. Perhaps I shall be able to defeat them and drive them from the land, for I know that he whom you bless is blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed." (Numbers‬ ‭22:6‬) The idea being that Balaam will fire the first salvo in the coming battle and weaken Israel so Moab might prevail. Shockingly, the Lord speaks to Balaam through his pagan rituals, warning him off. But Balak knows Balaam’s greedy reputation so he sends more princes and more money and Balaam relents. This stirs the anger of the Lord. So He essentially tells Balaam, “Thy will be done” and sends him on his way. However, the Lord isn’t finished. He’s not going to let Balaam off the hook quite yet. Under no circumstances will Balaam be allowed to curse Israel. So God sends an angel to oppose Balaam. To stand in his way. To humble Balaam. And thus we have this strange conversation between Balaam, his donkey, and the angel of the Lord.

Sometimes God uses the “foolish things of this world to shame the wise.” I can think of many times over the course of my life where God has used my children to teach me things I was too proud to see. I can think of many times over the course of my life where the simple faith of desperately poor men and women showed me things about Jesus that I - a trained theologian - had forgotten. I can think of many times over the course of my life where God has confronted me in my pride, privilege, relative wealth and power. In each case, He used something simple. Something weak. Something the world might easily dismiss to show me the error of my ways. No, my dog has never spoken to me! But God forbid I ever get to the place where he would have to! Instead, I pray daily for the humility to not think more highly of myself than I ought or less of my self than I ought but simply to think of my “self” less.

Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 25-28

Blame Shift

Readings for today: Numbers 17-20

As a pastor, I do a lot of counseling. One of the most common issues I face is something called “blame shifting.” Basically, a person commits a wrong and when confronted on it, “shifts” the blame to someone else. This can be their spouse. Their children. Their parents. Even their pastor! ;-) I cannot tell you the number of times I have counseled a couple on their marriage only to have them blame me for their eventual separation and divorce. Nevermind the fact they were unwilling to put in the work. Unwilling to do the homework I assigned. Unwilling to change any of their unhealthy behaviors. Unwilling to engage each other at a different level. At the end of the day, because the counseling didn’t “work”, it must be my failure as a pastor. 

We see this same dynamic in play in Moses’ relationship with Israel. How many times do they accuse Moses of failing to lead them well? How many times do they blame him for not providing water, food, or getting them to the Promised Land? Nevermind their own sin. Their own lack of faith. Their own fear. Their worship of false gods.  “And the people quarreled with Moses and said, "Would that we had perished when our brothers perished before the Lord! Why have you brought the assembly of the Lord into this wilderness, that we should die here, both we and our cattle? And why have you made us come up out of Egypt to bring us to this evil place? It is no place for grain or figs or vines or pomegranates, and there is no water to drink." (Num. ‭20:3-5‬) Over and over again, we hear this refrain. Let’s go back to Egypt. Let’s go back to slavery. You brought us out here to die. You brought us out here to suffer. It would be truly baffling if I didn’t see it everyday. 

Jesus addresses “blame-shifting” in the Sermon on the Mount. “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.” (Matt. ‭7:3-5‬) Essentially, we have to be humble enough to acknowledge our own fears and failures and struggles and sin before we dare to confront someone else on their issues. We have to be willing to look ourselves in the mirror and honestly confront our own faults before we point out to others where they fall short. In my experience, there is plenty of blame to go around in just about every broken relationship. It’s always a two-way street. 

We live in a highly critical world. A quick glance through Twitter or Facebook reveals how quick we are to blame others. We blame the system. We blame the government. We blame the church. We blame liberals. We blame conservatives. We blame Republicans. We blame Democrats. We blame our leaders. We blame teachers. We blame coaches. We blame absentee fathers. It’s like “blame-shifting” has become the national pastime. What you don’t see is anyone taking responsibility for why they find themselves in the position they’re in. You rarely find anyone acknowledging the ways they failed and how that contributed to their pain and suffering and heartache. No, it’s always someone else’s fault which makes us the “victim.” And there is great power in our culture today in casting ourselves as “victims” for it means we don’t have to take responsibility for our actions. We set ourselves beyond accountability. No one then gets to confront us and we are safe. Or so we think. The sad reality is when we avoid confrontation, accountability and responsibility; we never grow. And because we never grow, we tend to experience only more loneliness, pain, and heartache. It’s a vicious cycle. 

So where do you find yourself today? Are you the kind of person who takes responsibility for your failures? Is confessional prayer a regular part of your life? Do you find it easy to apologize and ask for forgiveness? When confronted, do you listen and receive what the other person is saying? Or do you get defensive? Do you blame shift? Do you take their criticism personally? In Christ, we are set free from the need to be perfect. In Christ, we are set free from the need to perform. In Christ, we have nothing to fear and no need to blame. In Christ, we can accept the reality that we are sinners in desperate need of grace.  

Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 21-24


Readings for today: Numbers 14-16, Psalm 95

One of the hardest ideas to get our minds around when we read Scripture is to remember our position before God. God is God. He is the Creator. The Ruler. The Sustainer of all things. He holds complete and total authority over life and death. His will is perfect. His character is holy and righteous. His desires are always pure. He is not a man that He should lie. He is not a man that He should change His mind. He is not given to fits of emotion nor is He ruled by His passions. He is not like us. He is wholly other. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. As far as the heavens are above the earth so far is God’s understanding beyond our own. He dwells in unapproachable light. He exists outside time and space. He lives in a dimension all His own. He cannot be questioned. He cannot be challenged. To disobey Him is to invite judgment. The very fact that He doesn’t just wipe out all creation and start over is an act of pure mercy and grace. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.

I love how pastor and theologian, Jonathan Edwards, once put it, “The bow of God's wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, and that of an angry God, without any promise or obligation at all, that keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood.” It’s a sobering reality when we stop to think about it. It rightfully engenders fear in our hearts. The righteousness and holiness of God’s justice should cause us to fall on our faces before God in humble submission and deep gratitude for the mercy that stays His hand.

God is faithful. He delivered His people out of Egypt. He rescued them from slavery. He provided for them in the wilderness. He guided them right to the edge of the Promised Land. And there…standing on the brink of the fulfillment of all God’s promises…they rebelled. They turned away. They refused to go in. Not only did they refuse to go forward, they actually made a plan to go backwards. Back to Egypt. Back to slavery. Back to bondage. They rejected Moses. They rejected Aaron. They wanted a new leader. A new direction. A new vision that didn’t include God. It’s heartbreaking to read. And it rightfully stirs God to righteous anger. The reality is the people of Israel were walking the razor’s edge. Putting God to the test. Would He remain true to His nature and character in the face of their persistent and stubborn rebellion?

Thankfully, God proves faithful yet again. It’s critical to note that when Moses makes intercession, he makes no excuse for the people. Instead, he calls on God to be faithful to Himself. “And now, please let the power of the Lord be great as you have promised, saying, 'The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation.” (Numbers‬ ‭14:17-18‬) And God answers Moses’ prayer. He pardons His people but by no means clears the guilty. They will fall in the wilderness. None of them shall see the Promised Land. An entire generation shall die in judgment. But God is also merciful. He will take their children into the Land. They will possess it. They will see the fulfillment of God’s promise.

Friends, it is hard to come face to face with God’s righteous judgment. Hard to see His wrath on display. Hard to watch as His people suffer the consequences for their rebellion. Hard because it reminds us of the harsh reality of our sin. Sin is not just a small mistake. It is not just an error in judgment. It is not just a poor decision. To commit sin is to commit treason against our divine King and Master. And the penalty for treason is always death. This is the judgment all of us have earned by our action and inaction. None of us is righteous. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. None of us is worthy of salvation. And yet God still loves us. He is steadfast. Loyal. Faithful. True. Nothing can separate us from His love and He seals this promise with His own blood. Returning to the Edwards quote above, God turns the arrow towards Himself. Shoots it into the heart of His only begotten Son. Jesus takes the punishment we deserved. Jesus endures the wrath we rightfully earned. Jesus pays the price for our treason. Thanks be to God for the gift of His Son!

Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 17-20

The Leadership Burden

Readings for today: Numbers 10-13, Psalm 90

A few days ago, an old article began reappearing in my Twitter feed. Written for Forbes, it lists the nine toughest leadership roles in our culture today. Pastors come in at #5. “Being a pastor is like death by a thousand paper cuts....You’re scrutinized and criticized from top to bottom, stem to stern. You work for an invisible, perfect Boss, and you’re supposed to lead a ragtag gaggle of volunteers towards God's coming future. It's like herding cats, but harder.” Now I am not sure my job is any harder than anyone else’s but I do sympathize with the sentiments of the article. Leadership is hard. The burden is heavy. The struggle is real. No matter what sphere of life you are called to lead in - and I truly believe all of us are “leaders” in one sphere or another - it comes with a lot of stress. How one responds to the stress often determines the success or failure of the leader. 

Moses felt the stress of leadership. Listen to what he says to the Lord after what seems like the umpteempth time the people of Israel complained. "Why have you dealt ill with your servant? And why have I not found favor in your sight, that you lay the burden of all this people on me? Did I conceive all this people? Did I give them birth, that you should say to me, 'Carry them in your bosom, as a nurse carries a nursing child,' to the land that you swore to give their fathers? Where am I to get meat to give to all this people? For they weep before me and say, 'Give us meat, that we may eat.' I am not able to carry all this people alone; the burden is too heavy for me. If you will treat me like this, kill me at once, if I find favor in your sight, that I may not see my wretchedness." (Numbers‬ ‭11:11-15‬) Think about all Moses had accomplished up to this point. At eighty years of age, he had returned to Egypt where he was wanted for murder to confront Pharoah. After levying plague after plague, he successfully secured freedom for the people of Israel. He leads them out with great wealth and possessions. He parts the Red Sea. Feeds them in the wilderness. Brings water from a rock. He performs miracle after miracle and yet Israel remains so ungrateful. They continue to grumble and complain. At the first sign of hardship, they start whining about going back to Egypt. They criticize and attack his leadership. They come after his family. They question his ability. Can you imagine how frustrating this must have been? 

So Moses asks God to kill him. He’s tired. He’s weary. He’s depressed. He’s anxious. He’s come to the end of himself. He’s on empty. He’s got nothing left. Ever felt like that? Interestingly enough, the toughest job Forbes lists in its article is parenting. Staying at home to raise the kids. Anyone who’s ever been a parent knows the struggle of watching your kids grow up. The joy and the sorrow. The excitement and the anxiety. The pride and the fear. It’s quite a rollercoaster. Moses sees himself as a kind of parent to Israel. Like God put him in charge of raising hundreds of thousands of children. Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth? Did I nurse them as they grew? How am I going to feed them? How am I going to provide for them? How am I going to raise them to maturity? The burden is simply too great so he cries out in anguish and despair. 

Look at how God responds.  “Then the Lord said to Moses, "Gather for me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and officers over them, and bring them to the tent of meeting, and let them take their stand there with you. And I will come down and talk with you there. And I will take some of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them, and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you may not bear it yourself alone.” (Numbers‬ ‭11:16-17‬) God doesn’t leave Moses alone. He provides friends and colleagues to share the load. It is not up to Moses to do this on his own. This project doesn’t rise or fall with Moses. Seventy elders are raised up by God to help lead and guide the people. They are filled with the same Spirit. They are given some of the same gifts. They will lighten the load. 

Why is leadership so hard? Because we too often go it alone. I’ve known too many pastors who crash and burn because they have no friends. No colleagues to share their burdens with. I’ve known too many moms and dads who refuse to let others come alongside them and help. I’ve known too many business leaders who think their business cannot survive without them. Too many teachers who believe the success or failure of each child rests on them. 

Friends, leadership is a gift to be shared. I know I would not be where I am today without a phenomenal wife who stands by my side. Four great kids who are learning to take responsibility for themselves. Elders in our church who prayerfully seek the mind of Christ and are eager to share the burden. A staff team that truly loves and supports one another. It is awesome. Who has God put in your life to share the load? Who has God raised up to carry the burden with you? Don’t be afraid to ask God for help! Ask Him to do for you what He did for Moses. 

Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 14-16, Psalm 95

Waiting on God

Readings for today: Numbers 6-9

One of the hardest things to learn as a follower of Christ is how to wait. We are always in such a hurry. We rush around in the morning to get off to work and school. We rush around all day at work trying to get things done. We rush around in the evenings to different activities and events. Then we wake up the next day to do it all over again. Furthermore, we live in a world of instant gratification. We get what we want when we want it and woe to anyone who cannot deliver on our timeline! Patience is no longer a virtue in our world. Waiting is considered a waste of time. 

The Bible is clear that “waiting” is a key skill for any disciple. Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives. Long-suffering is something God’s people know intimately. Consider what we read from Numbers today.  “On the day that the tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, the tent of the testimony. And at evening it was over the tabernacle like the appearance of fire until morning. So it was always: the cloud covered it by day and the appearance of fire by night. And whenever the cloud lifted from over the tent, after that the people of Israel set out, and in the place where the cloud settled down, there the people of Israel camped...At the command of the Lord they camped, and at the command of the Lord they set out. They kept the charge of the Lord, at the command of the Lord by Moses.” (Num. ‭9:15-17, 23‬) The passage tells us that sometimes they camped for days in one location. Sometimes for hours. The point is Israel didn’t move until God moved. Israel didn’t break camp until God broke camp. Israel was learning how to wait on God. 

I’ve been in ministry now for almost twenty years. Over that time, I’ve spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in my office counseling people through all sorts of different seasons in their lives. One of the most common issues I have to address is impatience. It makes total sense. People in crisis want out of crisis as soon as possible! So I get it. However, in their rush to get out of crisis they often jump from the frying pan into the fire. Refusing to wait on God, they prematurely end their marriage. Prematurely cut off a relationship. Prematurely make a professional decision. Prematurely rush into what they think is a solution only to find their supposed “cure” worse than their disease.  

God wants us to wait on Him. His time is not our time. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. So often when we wait on God, we don’t understand. I am sure there were moments when Israel looked around and said, “Really God? This is where you want us to camp? This is where you want us to settle down for a few days?” I’m sure there were other times when they found wonderful pasture and plentiful water only to have the pillar of cloud rise the next morning, taking them onward. They had never seen the Promised Land. They had no idea where they were headed or what it would look like when they got there. They simply had to trust God. They had to wait on God. They had to look to God.  

Where is God calling you to trust Him in your life today? Is it with a professional decision? Is it with your children’s future? Your marriage? Is it with you finances? Or perhaps your aging parent’s health? Maybe it’s your college choice? Or a career decision after you graduate? What does that look like for you and how are you learning to wait on God to reveal His will? 

Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 10-13, Psalms 90

Creation Mandate

Readings for today: Numbers 3-5

The first command given to human beings in the Bible comes from Genesis 1:28. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Human beings were set up by God to serve as His priests and priestesses over all creation. To serve as His instruments of blessing and glory in the world. They were given His image and called to bear that image into all the earth. Essentially, they were called to lead all of creation in worship and praise of the Living God. As they cared for and cultivated and nurtured all God had made, each living thing would live in peace and harmony with one another and with the One who had created them. I love how the Westminster Confession puts it, “Human being’s chief end is to worship God and enjoy Him forever.” And I would simply add we are not just to do this for ourselves but to lead all God has made to this same chief end.

Fast forward several generations. Past the Fall. Past the Flood. Past the call of Abram and Sarai. Past the Exodus. Now God’s people stand on the cusp of the Promised Land. And God is revealing Himself to them once again. Reminding them of His claim on their lives. Reminding them of the role He has called them to play. It is so easy to read through Numbers and get lost in the weeds. Lost in all the genealogies and details over how many silver plates and how many animals to bring to sacrifice. But if one pauses and takes a step back, one can see how God has fulfilled His original command. Israel has been fruitful. Israel has multiplied. Israel is filling the earth. Israel is beginnng to exercise dominion. It’s remarkable! In fact, it’s miraculous what God has done. From one family, He is filling the earth. From one promised son, He has brought many descendants. They truly outnumber the stars and the sands on the seashore. Out of brokenness, God has brought redemption. Out of slavery, God has brought freedom. Out of despair, God has brought hope.

Why would God do all these things? Because God remains committed to His original mandate. God’s great desire is to fill the earth with His glory. He will have the worship He deserves and the worship He demands. So He sends us - His people - out to the ends of the earth. To bear His image. To bear His likeness. To give the world a picture of what life looks like in the Kingdom. He sends us out to fulfill our original calling. To serve as priests and priestesses for the world. To lead the earth and all that is in it - every living creature - in praise of the One who created us. God wants us to enjoy Him! God wants us to delight in Him! God wants us to treasure Him above all else! This is why were created. This is why we were called. This is why we were saved. To declare His praises among the nations.

Friends, how are you fulfilling your priestly calling? Do you intercede in prayer regularly for those God has put in your life? Do you encourage them and lift them up? Do you lead them to worship God in spirit and in truth? Do you invite them into a relationship with Jesus Christ? And how are you cultivating your own relationship with God? Do you delight in Him? Do you enjoy being in His presence? Do you seek His face? Do you believe God wants to make you fruitful? Multiply your influence? Send you out to proclaim His gospel to all the earth? Give you dominion over all He has placed in your care? It’s a sacred trust. The implications are enormous. It means everything you do carries eternal weight and significance. God wants to use you right where He has you for His glory in the world. Believe this! And trust His grace to see you through!

The Purpose of the Law

Readings for today: Leviticus 26-Numbers 2

You’ve just finished Leviticus! Congratulations! Way to go! It’s one of the hardest books in all the Bible to get through! But you persevered! You pushed through! Even if you are a little behind, you’re going to make it! Well done!  

One big question a lot of folks are afraid to ask is this...what is the purpose behind all these laws? Or big picture, what is the purpose behind God’s Law? The late, great R.C. Sproul described it this way...

“The first purpose of the law is to be a mirror. On the one hand, the law of God reflects and mirrors the perfect righteousness of God. The law tells us much about who God is. Perhaps more important, the law illumines human sinfulness. Augustine wrote, “The law orders, that we, after attempting to do what is ordered, and so feeling our weakness under the law, may learn to implore the help of grace.” The law highlights our weakness so that we might seek the strength found in Christ. Here the law acts as a severe schoolmaster who drives us to Christ.

A second purpose for the law is the restraint of evil. The law, in and of itself, cannot change human hearts. It can, however, serve to protect the righteous from the unjust. Calvin says this purpose is “by means of its fearful denunciations and the consequent dread of punishment, to curb those who, unless forced, have no regard for rectitude and justice.” The law allows for a limited measure of justice on this earth, until the last judgment is realized. 

The third purpose of the law is to reveal what is pleasing to God. As born-again children of God, the law enlightens us as to what is pleasing to our Father, whom we seek to serve. The Christian delights in the law as God Himself delights in it. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). This is the highest function of the law, to serve as an instrument for the people of God to give Him honor and glory.”

We see these three purposes at work in Leviticus 26. In verses 1-13, God clearly lays out the blessings of obedience. If God’s people will live in a way that is pleasing to God, they will bring Him honor and glory. God will dwell with them and walk with them. And they will be blessed. This is the third purpose of the Law. Then, in verses 14-39, God clearly lays out what will happen if God’s people don’t follow His Law. God Himself will become their adversary. He will fight against them. He will walk contrary to them in wrath and fury. He will punish them. They will suffer. This is the second purpose of the Law which is to restrain evil. Finally, in verses 40-46, we see the first purpose of the law come into play. Repentance. The reality is God’s people will not be able to fulfill God’s Holy Law and this is by design. It’s to teach us that righteousness and holiness are beyond us. It’s to bring us to our knees in what I call “holy despair.” It’s to drive us to the end of ourselves. Our strength. Our ability. Our self-sufficiency. So we get to a place where we cry out to God for mercy and grace! We look to Christ to take our place! We glorify Christ for doing what we could not! We surrender to Christ and exchange His righteousness for our own. It’s a beautiful exchange!

So here’s the most important question as you finish you find yourself resenting the Law of God? Dismissing the Law of God? Or do you find yourself overwhelmed by a deep sense of inadequacy before the Lord? If it’s the former, I would encourage you to go to prayer and ask God to soften your heart towards Him. If it’s the latter, be encouraged that you are drawing ever closer to Christ and He stands ready to take your place! 

Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 3-5

Speed Bumps

Readings for today: Leviticus 23-25

We had some neighbors over for dinner a few years back. A young couple with two young children. We had a delightful time getting to know them. We laughed. We shared. We ate good food. Our kids played well together. But in the course of our conversation they let us know they had NEVER been over to another person’s house for dinner. Crazy, right? So we started asking them about their lives. The husband travelled almost 300 days a year for work. The wife woke up early every morning to take her daughter to softball training. Dropped her son off at before care at his school. Went back to get her daughter to take her to school. Went to her job. Had her parents pick up both kids after school. Dropped by her parent’s house to get the kids on her way home from work around 6 pm. Took them to their softball and baseball practices respectively. Tried to grab a quick bite to eat and some quick snatches of conversation along the way with her kids. Finally got home around 9 pm every night. This was their life in some form seven days a week. 52 weeks a year. Occasionally, they would get a vacation here and there but always in and around their kids’ sports schedules. It was brutal. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t make it. They got divorced about a year later.

Sadly, this is normal life for a lot of people. They work hard. They play hard. They drive their kids hard. They barely get enough sleep. Barely get enough to eat. Barely get enough time together. Their relationships fracture. Their friendships are non-existent. They suffer from anxiety and depression. But rather than slow down. Rather than pump the brakes on life. They medicate. They act out sexually. They crash and burn. It’s heartbreaking.

Contrast this way of life with God’s ways in Leviticus 23. Sabbath. One day out of every seven where we refrain from work. One day out of every seven where we slow down. Focus on worship. Focus on each other. Focus on the relationships that are most important. Passover. An annual celebration intentionally focused on the salvation of God. Firstfruits. An annual celebration intentionally focused on God’s abundant provision. Weeks. An annual celebration of God’s revelation of Himself to His people though His Word. Trumpets. Another celebration of God’s provision at harvest time. Day of Atonement. One day set aside each year for national and individual confession and repentance of sin. Booths. An annual celebration designed to remind God’s people of their utter dependence on God as they wandered in the wilderness. Taken together, these weekly and annual feasts serve to slow God’s people down. They act as spiritual speed bumps in life. They remind us life is more than what we produce. Life is more than what we achieve. Life does not depend on us and our strength and our willpower. Life is God’s. He gives. He takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Friends, we must face reality. The American way of life is killing us. Literally. It is bad for our mental, physical, and emotional health. We were not built for the pace we’re trying to keep. We were not designed for the race we’re trying to run. We were not created for the life we’re trying to live. We were made for a different world. A different life. An eternal existence. Something so deep and meaningful and purposeful, the garlands of this world come off withered by comparison. In the face of all God has planned for us, the trophies of this world lose their shine. As the old hymn says so well, “the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 26-Numbers 2

Life Together

Readings for today: Leviticus 19-22

Raise your hand if you knew the Golden Rule came from Leviticus? Now repent because you broke the 8th Commandment! :-) Most associate the Golden Rule with Jesus and rightfully so. After all, Jesus repeats it as part of His teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 7:12) However, very few people realize that God first enshrined this rule in law in Leviticus. Lost in all the conversation about sacrifices and priestly garments and what one should eat or wear is this beautiful picture of community life in Leviticus 19:9-18.

We see God’s heart for the poor and less fortunate...“When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, neither shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. And you shall not strip your vineyard bare, neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the Lord your God.” 

We see God’s concern for honesty and transparency..."You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another. You shall not swear by my name falsely, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.”

We see God’s compassion, especially for the less abled in our midst..."You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired worker shall not remain with you all night until the morning. You shall not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.” 

We see God’s desire for justice and righteousness and truth..."You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor. You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord.” 

And finally, we see God’s admonition against hate, anger, rage, contempt, and most of all, vengeance..."You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.” 

This are massively applicable in our world today! Could you imagine a community of people who sought to put these into practice? On a daily basis? Who gave generously? Dealt honestly? Showed compassion? Fought for truth? Laid aside anger and rage and malice and hate in the name of love? Hopefully you can! It’s called the Church! Now I know no church is perfect. After all, it’s full of imperfect sinners like me who struggle to keep God’s law faithfully. However, as we seek God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we can expect to see some of these same behaviors break loose in our lives! We can expect to bear this kind of fruit for the Kingdom! And as brothers and sisters called into community together, we can make a HUGE difference in the world today! That’s the call! That’s the challenge! That was God’s plan for Israel and it’s still God’s plan for His people today!

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 23-25

Sexual Purity

Readings for today: Leviticus 15-18

Today’s reading includes a very important section on sexual purity. These regulations will sound somewhat foreign and somewhat familiar to our ears as they have provided the foundation for the Western legal system for centuries. Incest, bestiality, adultery, and homosexuality are all considered “abominations” before the Lord. Engaging in such activity comes with a heavy price. One would be cut off from his or her people. “Vomited” out of the Promised Land. 

We struggle to understand this section of Scripture. Some dismiss it as ceremonial law much like the restrictions on what we can eat or wear. The problem with that approach is that we do affirm such things as bestiality and incest as abhorrent practices even in our time. Some argue these passages are culturally bound. Their argument is that such regulations were designed just for ancient Israel and therefore have no bearing on how we regulate our sexual activity today. Proponents of this argument believe in the primacy of love. As long as two people love one another, to deny them sexual fulfillment is cruel and harsh. Therefore, even adultery is justifiable in most cases as are same-sex relationships. The problem with this approach is that it misunderstands the nature of love. It trades on the erotic almost exclusively and dismisses any notion that sexuality and holiness are inextricably linked. A final argument is made - particularly from our LGBTQ Christian friends - that the authors of Leviticus didn’t understand the nature of same-sex attraction and had no experience with loving, committed, monogamous same-sex relationships. This argument asserts that same-sex relationships in the ancient world were always exploitative, oppressive, violent, etc. and therefore the prohibitions in Leviticus 18 do not apply to a 21st century context. The problem with this approach is it simply is not true. Pioneers in Queer Studies like Louis Crompton and New Testament scholars like William Loader (neither of whom are evangelical Christians and both of whom affirm same-sex relationships) are among many who have demonstrated that loving, non-exploitative, same-sex relationships have existed since antiquity. The reality is the Bible is univocal in its condemnation of any sexual expression outside of marriage between a man and a woman and to claim otherwise is not being honest.

So what’s the big deal about sex? Is God a prude? Is He simply trying to squash our natural desires and affections? We can’t help how we feel, right? The key is to remember the context. You and I are born in sin. Our bodies. Our minds. Our hearts. All are warped and broken. This includes our sexual desires. We are “naturally” going to want to rebel against God’s will. We are “naturally” going to want to pursue unholiness. Our hearts are bent towards evil and corruption and this prevents us from being able to enter into God’s presence. And God wants to dwell with us! God wants to be with us! So God commands us to “be holy as He is holy” and this call covers every area of our lives, including our sexuality. Sexuality is not an end in itself. It is a powerful drive created by God for the main purpose of the procreation of our species as well as to give physical expression to the kind of “oneness” God desires men and women to have in this life. The joining together of man and woman in sexual intimacy within the context of the covenant of marriage is literally designed to give us a foretaste of the joy and freedom and transparency we will enjoy with one another in the Kingdom of Heaven. This is why sex is such a powerful drive within us. And it is why God has placed such strong boundaries around it’s expression. To keep us safe sexually. To keep our sexual lives pure and free from corruption so we can experience all God has for us. 

All one has to do is look around our culture today to see the consequences of unfettered sexual freedom. Sexually transmitted disease. Sexual abuse and assault. Unwanted pregnancies. The objectification of the female and male bodies. Rampant divorce and infidelity. The breakdown of families. Depression and anxiety and fear surrounding every potential sexual encounter and/or its aftermath. It’s heartbreaking. God’s desire is for us to repent and commit ourselves to holiness. Holy sexuality is expressed in celibacy in singleness and intimacy in marriage between a man and a woman. I realize taking a traditional, Biblical position on sexuality in our world today will draw scorn and even accusations of bigotry. However, I believe when one takes a step back and looks objectively at the empirical data surrounding the consequences of pursuing a sexual ethic divorced from the Bible, one can easily conclude God probably knows better. We would do well to trust Him in this area of our lives and submit our sexuality to His Will as revealed in His Word. 

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 19-22