Church Leadership

Dispatches from the Front: Eastern Ethiopia

Dispatches from the Front: Eastern Ethiopia

He is known simply as “Church Planter 106.” His identity kept secret for his own protection and that of his family. He is an almost legendary figure among our Eastern Ethiopian church planters. Unfortunately, I was only able to hear his story second-hand but it is too amazing not to share.

Dispatches from the Front: Djibouti

Dispatches from the Front: Djibouti

Senite has the most beautiful smile. Her joy as she speaks is palpable. She laughs when she talks about being put in prison with her husband. She constantly interrupts herself to give praise to God for His faithfulness. She speaks of persecution and beatings and threats as if these thing are normal, which they are in her context. Her passion to share Christ is contagious and convicting.

Intergenerational Ministry

Intergenerational Ministry

But here's the real truth. We can die on a lot of hills in the church. Most of which simply aren't worth it. This is one hill worth dying on. This is one battle worth fighting. Study after study shows that the most effective evangelism takes place when one generation reaches another with the good news of the gospel. When one generation makes it their aim, their goal, their passion to pass on the faith to the next generation. Parents to kids. Grandparents to grandkids. All so that, as one generation is "gathered to their fathers", there remains another generation to take their place.